Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Holy Voice Tracking

Holy mother of voice tracking is all I have to say after today. I went in...oooo...probably around 12:30 today. I have XC practice at 3:45 and didn't think I'd have any problem making it on time. Think again. Becky was showing me how to do all this stuff and gave me a paper with all the voice tracks I needed to complete for her Friday afternoon show from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. I asked her how long it should take, and she replies, "OOO...I bet you'll be done in less than an hour." WRONG. Three hours later and exhausted I finally finished and barely made it to practice. That was stressful! I don't really like voice tracking because I am a perfectionist, and if I get the chance to make things perfect, I will. I would rather just be live on air, because if you make a mistake you just go with it, instead of re-recording it. Well, all I have to say is that is was a learning day :) I am glad I learned how to use some of the equipment though!

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