Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday Morning Party!

It's Friday! That's a big deal to us at the studio because it mean that we get the whole entire weekend off! Woop Woop! I love Friday's because we always ask the listeners what they are doing for the weekend for the Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper question of the day. I like to hear what everybody is doing. Well this Friday there really wasn't much of a variety because guess what tomorrow is...duh duh duh...HUSKER FOOTBALL! We make a really big deal about Husker football here in the studio and I LOVE IT! It's fun to get everybody pumped up when we play the Husker fight song and the Husker tunnel walk song. I have really noticed that Y102 is a very family oriented station, which is fun. I don't know if a family oriented station is really where my personality fits but its a good start! This is kind of out there, but just after doing this for a couple weeks, I have came to the conclusion that my dry sense of humor would work well on the Bob and Tom Show :) my dreams!

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