Tuesday, September 28, 2010

That was a blond moment...

I was informed today of a mistake that I made on my voice tracking I did two weeks ago on Friday...It's really funny...but man o man did I have a blond moment...

So, I was doing the Skeeter Barnes Rewards Club Code and on the sheet it also had where Kid Cory was going to be on location next. He was going to be at Apple Market because they were having a big tent sale...which I just now realized means a big sale underneath a big tent. Haha...I am laughing as I type this...well, I thought it meant an actual camping tent sale. I thought it was weird, and I remember asking Becci if they were really having a tent sale and she was like..."ummm yes." So I went with it and made a fool of myself. I said, "Come on down to Apple Market and buy yourself a tent at their hug tent sale they have going on!"

I guess people showed up and asked where the tents were...which were non existent...my bad...haha...As I said before, this is definitely a learning experience :)

On location at Kearney Crete and Block!

Today I went on location to Kearney Crete and Block with D.J. Becci! It was really cool to see how the remote worked. It is a lot more simple than I thought! I figured there would be all sorts of things you had to hook up but really there was only an antenna that you have to plug in and then your microphone box...I think I could have even figured it out!

It was also crazy how many people showed up. We were putting people in a drawing for door prizes and Kearney Crete and Block was also cooking hot dogs and had all sorts of snacks for customers. I didn't realize so many people listened to us on the radio! I had people come up to me and say, "Are you Abby the Intern?" Haha...I was like, "Heck yes I am!" I thought it was cool that all these people listen to us on the radio.

So all of it went well...except for that we killed the battery in the on location Y 102 car...haha...guess you can't leave the radio running for two hours...thank God Becci's fiance has jumper cables...hahaha

I knew I'd catch a lot of crap for that...

Haha...the first thing that is said to me when I walked into the station this morning was..."Soo...since you over slept on Monday...it's your turn to buy breakfast!!!" Ugh...hahaha...we do this thing where if somebody is late or misses you have to buy breakfast for our morning crew show...I guess I'd rather do that than have them be upset with me.

I'm also excited because on Saturday, I get to go on location with Becci to Kearney Crete and Block. We are going to be signing people up for a free palliate of pavers of the winners choice and all sorts of cool door prizes. I'm excited to have this experience and see how the remote works!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oooopppss...I guess it's bound to happen...especially on Mondays

My first mess up in 5 weeks...I overslept this morning. FAIL. I'm just glad they didn't get to upset with me. They just said it happens when you have to be up at 5 a.m. every morning. Hopefully that doesn't happen again because it's not very professional!

Holy Voice Tracking

Holy mother of voice tracking is all I have to say after today. I went in...oooo...probably around 12:30 today. I have XC practice at 3:45 and didn't think I'd have any problem making it on time. Think again. Becky was showing me how to do all this stuff and gave me a paper with all the voice tracks I needed to complete for her Friday afternoon show from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. I asked her how long it should take, and she replies, "OOO...I bet you'll be done in less than an hour." WRONG. Three hours later and exhausted I finally finished and barely made it to practice. That was stressful! I don't really like voice tracking because I am a perfectionist, and if I get the chance to make things perfect, I will. I would rather just be live on air, because if you make a mistake you just go with it, instead of re-recording it. Well, all I have to say is that is was a learning day :) I am glad I learned how to use some of the equipment though!

To many computers...

So, today after the morning show, Becky told me that she was going to show me how to use the equipment for the voice tracking I'm going to do tomorrow. Man o man...there I sat with three computers in front of me staring at them like I seen light for the first time. So many things to remember!!!! Ahhh!!! I asked loads of questions, so Becky probably thought I was crazy...haha...I guess it's better to ask questions and understand it than to not and completely mess everything up! Well, after her explaining it to me, we will just have to see how tomorrow afternoon goes for me...here goes nothing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday Funday

It is Monday and I'm ready to go! Today we started all sorts of new promotions, which is always exciting because it gets the listeners all pumped up. We are are doing a Sears give away and a Cinema 8 promotion. With the Sears give away, we are having a drawing for a $300 tool set...now wouldn't that be nice! But, get this! The Cinema 8 promotion is giving away a years with of unlimited movie passes for four people! Man o man did the listeners go crazy for that! I have never had so many calls come in at once...I guess it's like a $10,000 value...craziness! I'm also very excited for Wednesday as I will be starting to learn how to voice track and possibly do some actual tracking for DJ Becci's on air show...that would be very cool :) Looks like it's going to be a good week!

Thank goodness it's the end of the week :)

It's the end of the week, and I must say I am very excited about this! For some reason I was exhausted today...I never thought that could affect me talking on the radio...but trust me, it definitely does. I didn't really notice until Scott said something, but my voice just wasn't exciting and I was very scattered brained as I tried to organize my thoughts while I was takling on air. This is more of a demanding job than I thought...you definitely have to be sure that you get plenty of rest because everybody can tell when you don't just by the sound of your voice! I bet the listeners thought I sounded like a sick dog...haha...o well, like they say...this is a learning experience...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hump Day Wednesday

So...Im super excited because we are having hometown Huskers coming up and Scottyo asked if iI would like to partake in this segment. Would I?! Of course I want to meet our hometown Husker Jared Crick :) He also said he was going to show me a little more of the technical side of all the broadcasting equipment which I have been dying to learn about so maybe I could help out once in awhile and fill in and do my own segment! So i'll be learning all sorts of new stuff and I get to be in the same room as Jared Crick...WOO HOO! I can't wait to talk Husker football with him. I really want to go into the the sports side of broadcasting so I think I'll really enjoy this :) Happy Hump Day!

Labor Day

Nothing new today because guess what...It's Labor Day...and we get to celebrate all the labor we put in by having a day off :)

Friday Morning Party!

It's Friday! That's a big deal to us at the studio because it mean that we get the whole entire weekend off! Woop Woop! I love Friday's because we always ask the listeners what they are doing for the weekend for the Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper question of the day. I like to hear what everybody is doing. Well this Friday there really wasn't much of a variety because guess what tomorrow is...duh duh duh...HUSKER FOOTBALL! We make a really big deal about Husker football here in the studio and I LOVE IT! It's fun to get everybody pumped up when we play the Husker fight song and the Husker tunnel walk song. I have really noticed that Y102 is a very family oriented station, which is fun. I don't know if a family oriented station is really where my personality fits but its a good start! This is kind of out there, but just after doing this for a couple weeks, I have came to the conclusion that my dry sense of humor would work well on the Bob and Tom Show :) Haha...in my dreams!

Commercial Time!

Today I created a commercial with D.J. Becci. It was for a telemarkter firm out of hastings. It was kind of fun because it's an actual commercial that will be used on air. What I learned from that is you have to have skill in acting a little bit to put together an entertaining commercial that people will notice. It's actually really hard to act when talking into a microphone because nobody is watching so I feel odd when I start getting into it. Hahaha...but then I just tell myself that everybody else here has to do it so I don't look stange to them. All we did was record it and then we hand it over to the producers to put it together. I'm excited to hear what it sounds like! I'm actually starting to get used to this whole getting up a 5 a.m. thing to. It's kind of nice to go in early and be done early for the day :)