Wednesday, November 10, 2010's once again Monday...

I was pondering this question today..."Do you really have to have a college degree to be a radio personality or DJ"?

The answer in no....actually you don't. Of course if you have more experience in possibly working for a college radio station that would put you ahead of others applying, but a degree is not the main thing they look at when hiring for the station. This is what I found is the most important thing according to

Anchoring or Radio Jockeying depends on how you deliver, your originality, the punch in your content, your style, your personality, how you present your programme and further how you connect with your audience. An RJ should have good communication powers and language skills. Never the less, RJ courses do help to develop your confidence or bring out your personality or inbuilt caliber in hiding but are not a necessity Many of the RJ's today have never gone through any course and have a good name today. RJ hunts or talent search are often conducted by FM channels to bring out original unique talent."

P.s. RJ (Radio Jockey)

So...take that for what it's worth...

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