Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Monday Blues

Oooooo how I hate Mondays. It is so hard after a relaxing weekend to get up at 5 a.m.! Especially when I'm sleeping until noon on the weekend...haha...but I have to tell myself to get peppy and get ready for the day because I have already learned that if you fell groggy and talk groggy, that is exactly how you will come across on air.

We have lot's of exciting promotions going on right now at the studio. We still have Cinemania 2 going on as well as a date night drawing for the Miranda Lambert concert. The winner of that promotion get's two Miranda Lambert tickets as well as two meet and greet's with Miranda Lambert. Now wouldn't that be cool!

Not going to lie though...I get sick of all the prize whores...haha...we get the same people calling in constantly and they always win all the prizes! So, for the sake of us all, I really hope that we draw a winner that hardly ever calls in or hardly ever wins anything for both of these promotions :)

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