Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday already?!

Today was a blasty blast on the radio. It was just me and Becci, so actually It went by a little bit faster than usual because I actually had stuff to do instead of just sitting there and chiming in every 2 seconds.

She showed me how to do phone call recordings and how to fill out the topic of the day surveys, which is stuff I have actually been curious about. I really enjoy working with Becci. We kind of similar personalities so I think we just work well together on air.

We even had people call in and tell us how they enjoyed listening to us and they thought we were funny. I think that in order to have a successful show you have to have people who actually like each other and are friends to make it good because then you can crack each other shit without pissing anybody off. It was a good Friday to say the least :) Catch ya later!

Back to reality...

And the adventure ends...back to school and back to reality...which means back to waking up at the butt crack of dawn.

It's crazy how just not being here for a little while can really throw off my game. To say the least, I have had much better days on the radio haha...and Scott was not in the best mood today.

I guess I'm just one of those people who really like to get things done right then and there. We were giving away tickets today and I asked Scott where the tickets were...ya ummm...not the best idea! I had to make myself not cry haha

But moral of the story...being yelled at is just part of the game...and I guess it's good experience so I learn how to hold my composure together.


TGIF is all I have to say...and even more so because this weekend is FALL BREAK! Guess what that means? NO CLASS ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY. Which also means that I get to sleep in on Monday. I love the radio and all, but I'm definitely ready for some sleeping in!

And this has nothing to do with the radio, but I'm going to Colorado over break to go hiking! So I can't wait to tell all our listeners about this adventure...which I hopefully live to tell aka hopefully I don't get eaten by a bear.

It's actually really crazy but the listeners actually give a rats ass about our lives. Sometimes I'll have callers who ask me how cross country is going and stuff, and I'm just like, "Holy cow...somebody actually cares about my boring life!" Haha...not going to makes me feel pretty gosh darn good :)


I love being on the Scottyo show and all, but I think it would be absolutely fabulous if I could have my own show. I think I would do things a little bit differently...

There is a lot of structure on the show, which is good, but if it was me I wouldn't have quite that much structure...I feel like it gets a little repetitive everyday...

For instance, we always have the same topic every Friday...which is: What are you doing this weekend?" I guess if I was the listener, I would be like, "AHHHH! Do something different!" The layout of the show is exactly the same every single day.

Maybe I just have to creative of a mind, but if I were a listener I would definitely want to have a little variety if you know what I mean...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Not the normal Monday...

Today was not a normal Monday at the radio station.

Everything was going smoothly, especially since Pan Bello brought us all in breakfast. Then all the sudden one of the ladies comes into our station and tells Scott in needs to come out into the lobby to take care of something...a bat had flown into the radio station and was taking a little nap on the blinds on the window.

Courageous Becci went out to take care of things because Scott really wasn't having it. As she went to shake the bat off the blinds it took off in a very unpredictable flight and sweeped Scott's neck and attacked my head.

Man o man did I scream...I think our listener's found it quite funny as Murphy, the Hits 106 DJ was doing a play by play as her was on the air...

What an intersting start to a Monday morning...probably going to make for an interesting week :)

What a great idea! And it's Friday!

So...Becci, Scott and myself decided today that next time we do a date night promotion we are going to go about it just a little bit different...

We have the meet and greet with Miranda Lambert, Josh Kelly and Eric church that we are drawing for in a week and it's for couples who want to go. Next time...duh duh duh....we are going to have a meet and greet date night promotion for singles! We will put singles in the separate for male and female and draw to randoms to sit by each other at a concert and get a chance to meet whoever we are promoting! Now wouldn't that be fun...

Now we just got to find people who have enough guts to do it...muahahaha
So far I have really learned that we get some crazy people that listen to us on the radio...or might I say just some very persistent people. Some of these people really get into our radio promotions which is really great but some mornings I'm just like, "Holy cow, do you people have a life at all besides sitting by the radio and calling in for every single promotion every single day?!

I can handle the every other dayers but we get some that just call everyday...o and then they want to know if they can qualify their spouse as well on the same phone call. NO. YOU CAN'T!

Haha...I guess I should appreciate our fans a little more but some days it get's a little crazy. Now for the fans that bring us in food, your my favorite :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Monday Blues

Oooooo how I hate Mondays. It is so hard after a relaxing weekend to get up at 5 a.m.! Especially when I'm sleeping until noon on the weekend...haha...but I have to tell myself to get peppy and get ready for the day because I have already learned that if you fell groggy and talk groggy, that is exactly how you will come across on air.

We have lot's of exciting promotions going on right now at the studio. We still have Cinemania 2 going on as well as a date night drawing for the Miranda Lambert concert. The winner of that promotion get's two Miranda Lambert tickets as well as two meet and greet's with Miranda Lambert. Now wouldn't that be cool!

Not going to lie though...I get sick of all the prize whores...haha...we get the same people calling in constantly and they always win all the prizes! So, for the sake of us all, I really hope that we draw a winner that hardly ever calls in or hardly ever wins anything for both of these promotions :)

It's Hummmppp Day!

As the weeks have went by, I have really started to get used to talking on the radio and being more comfortable with it. Honestly, sometimes I don't even realize that I am talking into a microphone on air because it becomes so comfortable that I feel like I am just having a conversation with Becci and Scott. I have really enjoyed myself thus far and could really see myself doing something like this in the future. I talked to Becci a little bit about how the pay rate is, which isn't the greatest, but I guess it's all about how much experience you have and who you know. I might be looking into a job in the field here in the near future!